Only 5% left on battery?

I watched people in an airport yesterday...looking for a place to charge their dying phones.  Not many USB plugs around and there was a line by one little table that had them. People can be less friendly at a cage fight!

Imagine this issue in your Spiritual existence.  Running on %5 battery.  Some of your features will have paused.  Desperately running around you search to find a place to recharge. It can be draining, discouraging and desperate.

Jesus told his "posse" in Luke 22:40 & 45. “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”    PRAYER.  That's where a follower of Jesus get's plugged in.  Where we find power, energy, strength and resilience.  We win over temptation BEFORE it comes. We pray BEFORE. We charge BEFORE so that when the temptation or trial comes the preparation can carry us through that struggle.

But even after the trial or temptation has come… we can still “plug in” and find grace & strength.

Facing trials?  People issues?  Health scare?  Great loss?    Plug in.  Instead of facing these things in "low power" mode... sit at His feet, seek His face and wait on the Lord.  because those who do "will renew their strength" Isa 40

Here's a quick clip from our ministry in Honduras.  Tomorrow I will meet with a new group of guys in Rehab to study and WRITE the book of Mark twice a week for the next 7 weeks.  Very Excited!​ CLICK HERE TO WATCH


What’s Inside?


How to do life WITH someone else!