How to do life WITH someone else!

A Honduran boy waits for meal time last Friday night - after Teacher shares about Jesus. (Roatan)

When the road is long… dirty… rocky… and lonely, you wish for friends to walk beside you!

As a child, my family moved many times. Often to a new state, a new neighborhood, a new school and this meant all new people. New friends.

 I many times would try to hide. Sit in silence hoping not to be noticed. But my mom would challenge me often, "look for another kid who seems to be alone, or lost, and try to help them feel accepted." That has impacted my thinking so much that I've spent a life feeling drawn to share God's love to the "least of these" as Jesus describes them.

How about you? Feeling alone, lost, displaced or even betrayed. What if you tried what my mom said? What if you put your mind to someone else and how you might encourage them? This is the essence of the gospel of Jesus: to put others as more important than yourself. To serve.

Our dear friend Robert has joined Shari and Devin and I now in Honduras! It's such a treat to work each day together with a different area, ministry or leader. Even as I walk these dusty streets... we are not alone, God brings others to serve alongside us. I pray He will bless you with His presence and give you who that person is that He would have you serve today!


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