How to blend “Faith” with your real life… without preaching!

If you’re a a person of faith, you’ve likely struggled between “blending” your spiritual and work life. On one hand, you want to reflect your values and maintain your witness. But you also want to do it without spouting off religious talk or figurately hitting people over the head with Scripture. Been there!

Here are a few ideas:

1. Be kinder than the prevailing culture you’re in.

Start with small things, like actually saying “hello” or complimenting a person’s outfit. Since this has nothing to do with their quality of work, these are actually believable compliments.

When I took my corporate job, I noticed that our company culture was generally unfriendly. Being kind went a long way in helping me connect with those I worked with or supervised.

Most people do NOT equate “religious folks” with being nice. Just going above and beyond — even in little things — will help you demonstrate and inject some life into the environment and connect more deeply with people.

2. Be shockingly generous.

Extending generosity means you act in a manner completely contrary to the selfish, “me-first” nature of your workplace. I can think of no other trait more reflective of God than generosity. He is generous in love, mercy, patience, kindness … the list goes on. Generosity is a gamechanger.

Better or worse, the reality is money talks in our culture

By being generous to others around me… I buy them coffee, I help someone’s rent, it’s likely that this one act of generosity befriends someone in a way that would have taken years.

The amount you give isn’t important as much as the heart behind it. Do it, and you’ll see some amazing doors open for your witness.

3. Socialize, for goodness’ sake.

Coffee is a powerful gift! And I don’t drink it… but what I’ve learned is that taking someone for an espresso is important to life. That this is where the “real talk” happens. I’ve had people confide in me about their deepest pains in a coffee bar. Some have shed tears over Mochachino.

The thing that gets me about this is that there are Christians that would never go to coffee with non-Christians if their lives depended on it.

Well, their eternal lives do depend on it!

4. Mention your faith in passing, but strategically.

Shine the light instead of brining the Heat! Casually work into conversation about your faith life, church events, experiences related other christians. Not beating someone over the head with my “hard sell” faith. Just talking about real life

Use natural yet thoughtfully placed references to your faith during normal conversation. Build relationship and rapport. Rule of thumb: shine the light instead of bringing the heat.

5. Pray for prophetic business insight that gets results.

The love language of business can be summed up in one word:  results.

You and I have an advantage when it comes to getting results:  God. As a pastor, I learned to “sense” the leading of God in the context of leading worship, preaching, or praying for people. As a businessman, I’ve prayed and learned to “sense” God’s leading in the same way. Many times, I’ve prayed over a home or a tenant as I was managing my rental properties.

God has blessed, many times I’ve seen Him move in someone’s life as a Pastor as well as a businessman..

You might be the answer they’ve been praying for.

You are — by divine decree — a carrier and vehicle of God’s presence and anointing. Thus you are a change agent, even if you don’t want to be.

When you fully embrace this “blend” between the two seemingly disparate worlds of your faith and business, you’ll see some pretty amazing results. And I dare to say your co-workers, clients, and customers will consider you a godsend … because you are.


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