I know, everyone says “Baby Steps”… make “small corrections”… otherwise you bite off too much and can’t get anything done. I fully agree with the principle of having “achievable goals”. But I also think that when I walk down the beach, pick up a starfish that is beached in the sand and dying. I have a choice. I can say, “well, I can never save every starfish on the beach” and drop it back in the sand… or I can say, “I can’t help them all, but I can change THIS one’s future” and toss it out into the sea. The numbers of poor and distressed people is overwhelming, Jesus said the “poor will always be with you”. But last time Shari and I were in Honduras, I saw Shari give a plate of noodles to this little girl. We can’t help every kid, but this one got a good meal and even better, she got to hear the gospel of God’s love found in Jesus in her own language. I’m going to aim TOO high, knowing that God will use my small efforts to change lives and build His kingdom. Today, what small step can you take to change someone’s eternity?

Hope to Honduras has a Springtime goal: We have a three phase goal to deliver 4,000 meals and 4,000 Spanish Bibles to extreme poor in Honduras

to kids (around local dumps) and

to adults (in poverty and additction) by Easter of 2022.

We are asking God for 100 people committed to pray regularly and for financial support to meet this goal. Ready to “aim too high” with us!

PHASE 1: Gather and ship 2,000 Bibles and 500 (Child Graphics) Gospels in Spanish into Honduras by Christmas 2021 (estimated cost is $4700)

PHASE 2: With national christian leaders, provide food, water and medicine into the barrios/poorest communities. (estimated cost is $12,500)

PHASE 3: In-Person delivery of 2,000 meals and 2,000 Scriptures by February 24, 2022. (estimated cost is $2600) (Total Estimated Financial Goal: $19,800)

We know this isn't possible to do alone. It will take an army. Of Praying and Teamwork. We invite you to join us. We are confident that we can make an impact in Honduras but we need your help.
Would you prayerfully consider your part in bringing hope to the people of Honduras


CHRISTMAS BIBLES and MEALS being delivered!


Goodbye… Hurts!